Students turned in Act 3 Scene 1 homework and completed work around 3.2 and 3.3 Act 3.2 and 3.3
Nov. 18
We read chapters 17-20 of American Street and discussed how the author is building tension in the rising action. Ch. 17-20
Nov. 17
Students completed the writing portion of Act 2 Scene 2. Act 2.2–Writing We began 3.1 which is due on Wednesday. Act 3.1
Nov. 14
Students began planning their essay for Act 2 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet. Act 2.2–Writing Essays will be written next class period.
Nov. 13
Today we focused on mood in chapters 13-14 and read chapters 15-16. Ch. 13-14 Mood
Nov. 12
Today we finished Act 2 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet. Act 2 Scene 2 Part 3
Nov. 7
We read chapters 12-14 of American Street. Ch. 13-14
Nov. 6
Students completed MAP testing today and began part 2 of Act 2 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet. For homework, students need to complete the question. ACT 2 SCENE 2 DAY 2 Close Read
Nov. 5
Today we read chapters 10-11 of American Street. We compared the setting of the book with an informational text about life in Detroit. Students analyzed how a person’s environment impacts who they become. The shocking rate of crime Detroit kids face
Nov. 4
Students took a quiz over comma rules today and began the MAP assessment.